A game changer



A few weeks ago Local Radio Support (LRS) announced a new way for clients and agencies to book and measure advertising campaigns across the UK’s growing number of independent radio stations.

It's called this IRIS (Independent Radio Income Streams);  using AIMS (Audience Impacts Measurement System) technology IRIS can track when an ad is broadcast, producing real time online impacts, and where appropriate extrapolate the additional impacts on traditional transmission such as DAB and FM.

LRS are now delighted to announce its first agency partnership with Manning Gottlieb OMD (MG OMD) whose division, Omnigov, is the Government’s sole supplier for media buying.

Industry partners The Local Media Network and the Community Media Association have been working with MG OMD to bring some of the Government’s significant media spend to the fast growing network of independent radio stations.

Local Media Network says “Thanks to LRS, we can now provide true accountability with proof of broadcast and impact delivery that simply wasn’t available to these stations before."

Jon Whalley, Investment Director, Audio Visual, Manning Gottlieb OMD says “IRIS is doing a great job delivering messaging for us, on behalf of the UK Government, utilising the fast growing network of lean-forward independent local radio stations with trusted local voices. AIMS ensures the right ads are played on the right stations at the right time, and gives us the accountability we’ve not received from these stations before.”

When the IRIS initiative was announced a few weeks ago, a leading light in the industry said this was "a game changer". It seems one of the UK's biggest agencies now agrees! LRS is now talking to other top media buyers to offer this growing network of stations as an additional advertising route for major brands.

To find out more about LRS and the benefits of membership please see localradiosupport.com.




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